“Grace is thriving here and adding so much to our community; you can be proud of both her preparation and her engagement. Please send more just like her :)” Dr. Bill Hawkey, Headmaster, The Pennington School
“We love BFS students and want more of them!” Sam Houser, Head of School, George School
“Thanks for all your personal letters of recommendation and for the incredible students we’ve been meeting!” Scott Eckstein, Director of Admission and Financial Aid, Solebury School
“I am excited to work with Emma and her family. She sounds like a wonderful young woman and I’m glad to have the opportunity to get to know her. I’ll be working closely with her this spring to ensure that we schedule her appropriately next year.” Sarah Reeder, Guidance Counselor, New Hope-Solebury High School

What do George School, Solebury School, The Pennington School, Blair Academy, Abington Friends, Germantown Academy, New Hope-Solebury High School, Emma Willard, The Masters School, LaSalle College High School, and many other leading secondary and public schools all have in common? They all want students from Buckingham Friends School to enroll and contribute to the quality of their educational environment and community next year.

The source of our greatest pride in Buckingham Friends School is found in our students. Smart, engaged, engaging, creative, secure, capable, caring, articulate, poised, fun, and prepared – each has met with great success and achievement in the classroom and as involved community members, role models, and classmates. As individuals, each has found their voice, approached learning and life with integrity, acquired the skill of being a self-advocate, and has a good sense of who they are and what they want to pursue. Because each of our students has experienced how they are a part of a larger group experience, each understands the value of community and how to invest in the success of others. All of this speaks to why high schools are tripping over themselves to get our kids!

We are privileged to have these outstanding schools eager to meet and engage with our students and their families. Their interest in our students reflects the quality of a Buckingham Friends School education.
It is in every student’s master plan to leave BFS filled with the promise of future success and continued fulfillment. I am confident in each student’s potential to meaningfully contribute to their next school environment.

While a full and exciting half-year lies ahead, Secondary School Placement Counselor Nancy Sandberg, the faculty, and I stand behind each of our students. In addition to the letters written by our talented teachers, Nancy and I each write personal letters of recommendation for every student, and I am enjoying my visits to and conversations with the schools that our students are applying to as part of our intentional advocacy for every applicant. It is a job that we hold as paramount – to offer our very best efforts as we promote them and assist with the process as they contemplate and plan for the next step in their educational journey.
If you would like to know more about the value of your investment in a BFS education today and as you look forward to the upper grades at our school, or if you wish to learn more about the secondary school process now, please reach out to me personally. Thank you again for enrolling and re-enrolling your children. It is an honor to know and work with them and all of you.
Dear Paul and All of the Faculty and Administration,
We are so happy having our little girl (who is growing fast) in this special community receiving the education we had always hoped to find for her. I love meeting the older students at BFS. Seeing how poised, intelligent, smart and hardworking they are gives us a clear vision for how are daughter will develop. Thank you to this welcoming dedicated community. Although we don’t want her to grow too fast, we look forward to her growing into her potential for becoming one of those beautiful bigger BFS kids and graduates.