As we celebrate the successful completion of the first ten days of the 2020-2021 school year and prepare for our very first virtual Back-to-School Nights, I am proud to share the Minute that was read at last week’s School Board meeting. This Minute of appreciation recognizes and thanks our faculty and staff, and it will be entered into the permanent record of the School Board’s first meeting of BFS’s 226th year.
The Buckingham Friends School Board of Trustees wishes to Minute our appreciation to you – the faculty, administration team, and staff, of Buckingham Friends School.
The work that was required to effectively plan and prepare for the 2020-2021 school year has not gone unnoticed. Various School committees have been working throughout the summer planning and re-planning for the potential scenarios that might be realized this fall.

Two weeks of additional faculty training was completed prior to the end of summer to ensure the school would be prepared for virtual attendance and the future possibility of remote teaching and learning. The effort that went into preparing the materials for the training, and the commitment from all of you to take time out of your summer is commendable. The training provided to the faculty is already benefiting those students that need to be remote at this time, along with contributing to the students that are in the classroom. Your preparation reflects your commitment and the desire to bring the BFS learning educational experience to all of your students. We thank you for your commitment to moving BFS forward toward being a 21st-century model Quaker educational community.

During a normal summer, there is a lot to do in preparing the facilities for the new school year. This year is definitely not normal. The additional workload and effort required of you to prepare the facilities for re-opening was significantly greater. The additional workload and effort required of you to clean and maintain the facilities and the environment in our classrooms is also significantly greater.
The School also needed to define new processes and procedures to effectively manage the movement of students and faculty within the buildings and outside. Having several different play areas outside requires more supervision from everyone. Every member of the School is being asked to do more, and they are. This, too, is recognized and appreciated.

With everything that is happening in our world today, the faculty and administrative team continue to keep the students wellbeing at the center of their focus. We are truly grateful to see that you all have embraced and preserved the BFS spirit, the essential force which makes a BFS education unique and special.
Your commitment to the students is reflected and evidenced via the posts that are shared on Instagram and Facebook and the many positive comments from parents and caregivers. We see the excitement and enthusiasm in your eyes when you are in front of the students.

Each of you has been doing an amazing job. Thank you for all that you are doing. You are making a difference and you are making a difference in the life of each child you are teaching, wherever they are.
With gratitude and appreciation,
Michael Godshall
Clerk of the Board, Buckingham Friends School

On Minutes – It is a longstanding Quaker tradition to celebrate and record appreciation for the contributions and lives of Friends. Upon approval, these “Minutes” may be entered into the meeting’s minutes and permanent record. It is the practice of the Buckingham Friends School Board to Minute appreciation for departing trustees at the conclusion of their service to the School, and to record thanks to other members of the School community from time to time.