Hi Paul,

My daughter had such a great day today at the sap boiling. She especially loved taking time to reflect in the woods on her own. Wow! 🙂
She’s making incredible strides every day. This week so far alone she programmed a robot to talk, spent most of the today outdoors setting traps and boiling sap and reflecting in nature. She’s putting hinges on her handmade treasure box. And, so much more!
This is a child that looks forward to coming to school every day! I can’t express my gratitude that she is a part of this incredible school – feeling safe, learning new things every day, supported, and thriving. That’s an amazing gift for her – and for us.
And, I appreciate you giving her recognition about her math work this morning when we were shaking hands at drop off.

Can’t say thank you enough-
PS As much as I love getting notes like this, and they do make my day and energize me and my work, if moved, please consider sending one to your child’s teacher(s). We are ending what some refer to as the “darkest month” at school this year with great energy, purposeful engagement, and loads of laughter (not to mention tons of Light!). And, re-enrollment is through the roof! For all of that, we can thank our talented and dedicated teachers and all that they do each day to live our mission, create stories, and “let their lives speak.”
Good morning Rachel,
I read Paul’s blog this morning and felt inspired to reach out to you.
I want to thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, care and commitment. Our son absolutely loves first grade and has lately taken to telling me how much more he loves school than home (ouch! lol). Not because, he assures me, that he doesn’t love being at home with his family, but because he just has so much fun at school. Everyday I can see his genuine excitement as he tells me about adventures outside, programming robots, practicing for the play, building scooter city in PE, and everything in between. He specifically tells me how much fun you are, how nice you are, and how patient you are, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me to see how genuinely safe, secure and cared for he feels in his learning environment. You are so very appreciated by him and even more so by his father and I. As they say, it takes a village, and we sincerely value you as a part of ours.
With warmest regards,