This past Wednesday, many of our Buckingham Friends School Trustees attended “Board Visit Day.”  This was an opportunity for them to tour the campus, to visit classes in action, to witness first-hand the outstanding education that is provided each day here at BFS, and to enjoy lunch and conversation with a member of the Sixth Grade class.  They were able to engage with me about current matters and future initiatives in the areas of academics, construction, finance, and fundraising.  I am grateful for their time, stewardship, and the hard work and care they provide in support of BFS and as we navigate the course for BFS’s future and long-term health and sustainability.

The Mission of BFS’s Board of Trustees

Guided by Quaker practice,

our Board of Trustees exists to ensure the vitality

of Buckingham Friends School’s mission and vision.

I received the following notes from a few trustees, sharing their reflections after their visit.  While individual teachers were noted, these observations speak to the quality and caliber of our entire faculty. I have included them below.

Board reflections – 2023

BFS is an oasis.  Everyone who travels to it each day – kids, teachers, administrators, parents – are refreshed and nourished there.  Yes, academically for the students, but spiritually for everyone.

The Light was shining brightly on campus all day.  Bill Lynch was teaching sixth graders French, but he was also teaching them critical thinking and cooperative problem-solving.  Kris and Bridge handed kids things, which challenged not just their hands but their brains, too.  (And Rich handed 20 fourth-graders recorders, which challenged the listeners!)

Every corner of the buildings was filled with kids discovering things – about what they were studying, about themselves, and about their limits and abilities.  What a treat it was to come to the oasis for a day.  Thank you, all of you. (CK)


Every year I look forward to Board Visit Day. It energizes me for the year ahead and reminds me why I’m part of this community. This year was particularly special when trustees, who have been stewarding the campus for years, stood beneath the beautifully massive wood beams that make up the frame of the new gym. We all just basked, not only at the impressiveness of the structure, but also of the awe-inspiring dedication of the BFS community who made it all happen. Maybe even more special was the lunch I shared with Mia. She expressed how her new friends at BFS expect her to be herself, something she did not have before at her old school and how much that made her love coming to school each day. It was the perfect example of a child who has learned the joy of “letting their life speak.” (ARS)


When I think about Wednesday’s visit, my overall impression is of a day filled with joy, visible in so many interactions among and between the youngsters and the adults. Mutual respect was also on prominent display in, and outside of, the classrooms.

Helping to greet the students as they arrived was a lot of fun; their willingness to shake hands and make eye contact with a person they had never met before made for a great start to the day.  (TR)


It was another great visiting day for the trustees – a beautiful day, happy students, talented faculty and staff. From greeting the children and parents at the lower school at 8 am to visiting classes during the morning hours, we all relished the nice feeling that exists in the BFS educational experience. And then having lunch with Aria, and getting some firsthand information from a student, proved to be another positive part of the day. (GY)


I was most struck by the confidence that each student displayed when shaking the hands of each Board member in the morning. I had a great time seeing the classes in action and seeing each student who was supposed to greet us doing a great job. It was nice to see the engagement in the classroom as well as seeing how the class would focus when the “focus” word or phrase was mentioned. Bridge, the woodshop teacher, explained how she teaches tool safety. She explained the process by showing us the first project they made and the tools used through the more complicated projects and the tools used. Her enthusiasm for her area was awesome!!! 

I had a delightful time talking with my lunch buddy. (Mishka) was great. We talked about books, being a writer, Anime, the high schools that she wants to attend, and much more. She does not want to leave BFS but knows that that time is coming. I had a great day! (AM)

1 thought on “Trustee Reflections after Board Visit Day – 2023

  1. Good job, Trustees! I enjoyed my nine years on what was called the “School Committee” at the time. Priorities back then included bringing teacher pay up to a reasonable level, creating an endowment mindset, and rewriting the mission. It is amazing to see what is happening now while holding on to important traditions and maintaining the focus on the educational mission! Well done everyone!

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