By Jessica Grose, The New York Times, Feb. 28, 2020 Assess what your child knows Process your own anxiety first Don’t dismiss your child’s fears Talk at an age-appropriate level Emphasize good hygiene “By now, your children may have heard about the new coronavirus, whether it’s from a snippet of a news briefing or from […]
BFS Diversity Committee Retreat 2020 – “Building an individual and institution’s racial and equity literacy is a process, not a destination”
Dr. Sandra Chapman (“Dr. Chap”), facilitated an informative, engaging, and inspiring one-day retreat for our faculty Diversity Committee on February 28. The goal was to support and position the Diversity Committee as they develop their perspectives; build leadership capacity; help lead a range of next steps and initiatives with the faculty, students, curricula, and our […]
Facilities Master Planning update: “good stewardship means taking care of what has been given, not just for ourselves, but for the people around us and for future generations as well”
Thank you to the over 140 community members who have offered their input during the initial phase of our Master Facilities Planning process with Jim Childress and Beth Hedde from Centerbrook Architects. To recap the charge to Centerbrook: they have been hired to guide us in the creation of a plan that will allow us […]
The Parents We Mean To Be – “the intense, crisis-filled, and profoundly joyous process of raising a child can be a powerful force for our own moral development”
In his book, The Parents We Mean To Be, Harvard psychologist Richard Weissbourd argues incisively that parents–not peers, not television–are the primary shapers of their children’s moral lives. Through the author’s own original field research, including hundreds of rich, revealing conversations with children, parents, teachers, and coaches, a surprising picture emerges. Parents’ intense focus on […]
“We love BFS students and want more of them!” – the return on your investment in a BFS education
“Grace is thriving here and adding so much to our community; you can be proud of both her preparation and her engagement. Please send more just like her :)” Dr. Bill Hawkey, Headmaster, The Pennington School “We love BFS students and want more of them!” Sam Houser, Head of School, George School “Thanks for all your […]
Exciting Opportunities for Reflection, Input, Planning, and Improvement
As announced recently, Buckingham Friends School is creating a Facilities Master Plan this year to guide future improvements of its facilities. Our architects, Jim Childress and Beth Hedde from Centerbrook Architects and Planners of Essex, CT hosted many meetings on campus for two days, meeting with the entire faculty in a series of meetings, the […]
highly impressed by both their caring and initiative
Dear Mr. Lindenmaier, I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to you to let you know of a great experience that my family had at the annual Peace Fair this past fall. The overall day was very enjoyable and everyone had a great time (my toddler loved feeding the goats). As we […]
Does a student’s chair really matter?
The following article informed and affirmed our thinking and decision when selecting the new chairs – the VS PantoSwing-LuPo chairs – for grades 3-8, the Library, and the Science Lab this year. These chairs follow every movement of the body, simultaneously prompting the posture to change continuously. It adapts itself consistently to the needs of […]
Our facilities planning process for Buckingham Friends School
After a thorough selection process, I am pleased to share with you that we have retained Centerbrook Architects of Centerbrook, CT to facilitate a consolidated master facilities planning process for Buckingham Friends School. Over the past four decades, Centerbrook has worked on many different academic campuses, completing several dozen master plans and hundreds of buildings […]
Kindergarten’s Reflections About Peace
Recently, our Kindergarten students were asked to share thoughts and pictures about peace by completing the phrase “Peace is”. Their sincere and inspiring responses (beautifully written and illustrated) were wonderfully aligned with our values as a Friends school: being kind to each other. E.K. helping friends by listening to them. W.G. when friends are kind […]