Friends in Fellowship: What will it take to get the US to act on Climate Change? Thursday, October 24, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm, at the Arch Street Meetinghouse, 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia (this event is free)

Sign up for next week’s (free) PYM Friends in Fellowship talk featuring Solebury Meeting member, George School and Buckingham Friends School alumnae, Taiya Smith. Taiya leads the nonprofit Climate Leadership Council’s China Program where she works with governments and corporations to speed up the adoption of a meaningful price on carbon. Previously, she worked in the private sector advising clean technology companies wishing to gain access to Chinese markets. Specifically, the Climate Leadership Council is focused on getting a carbon dividend established in the United States.
Concurrently, Taiya serves as CEO of Phyllis Technologies, a start-up company that creates an independent assessment of carbon emissions at the facility level. Previously, she worked in the private sector advising clean technology companies wishing to gain access to Chinese markets. Earlier, Taiya worked with Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, serving as Deputy Chief of Staff and the principal adviser on the U.S.-China relationship. While working with the U.S. Government, she was key to designing and managing the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue. In this capacity, she established the U.S.-China Ten Year Framework on Energy and the Environment and the EcoPartnership program, both of which served as the platform for U.S.-China cooperation on climate change. Taiya has also served as special assistant to Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick and as policy adviser for Africa, Europe, and political/military affairs, U.S. – EU relations, energy security, and U.S. – Sudan policy and advised U.S. Climate Special Envoy Todd Stern during the Obama Administration.
Press release – Philadelphia Yearly Meeting -while this is a free PYM Friends in Fellowship Event, everyone is asked to please SIGN UP so they may plan refreshments.

And, this summer, we learned that our entire campus had earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® certification for superior energy performance for the second year in a row. ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants are verified to perform in the top 25 percent of buildings nationwide, based on weather-normalized source energy use that takes into account occupancy, hours of operation, and other key metrics. ENERGY STAR is the only energy efficiency certification in the United States that is based on actual, verified energy performance. On average, ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants use 35 percent less energy, cause 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and are less expensive to operate than their peers—all without sacrifices in performance or comfort.

“Energy conservation is just one of the ways BFS demonstrates its commitment to the Quaker principles of stewardship and sustainable development. Preservation of the environment and the enjoyment of our magnificent campus, for current students and generations to come, is an important part of our mission as a Board,” shares Robert Roop, Clerk of the Board’s Physical Plant Committee. Thanks goes to the entire committee, and, with special gratitude, to current parent and committee member, Matt Eaton, for his significant efforts in preparing for and submitting the application again this year. Last summer we replaced all of the lights in the Main building and Jane Jackson House, on the exterior of campus building, and on the lower parking area. The annual savings will cover the cost of project in three years, after which funding can be redirected to our other precious resources such as the faculty. Planning for the continued stewardship and increased energy efficiency of our precious campus resources is underway.
Thank you for that very important information.
In Peace. Mary
I absolutely loved reading this article about Taiya and all the wonderful work she is doing in her life. It is such a gift to have the opportunity to teach students, and then watch them grow into the adults that they become. I remember you, Taiya, (if you are reading this) as a strong student, but, more importantly, as a student with passion. Reading about what you have pursued and accomplished in your life was no surprise to me. That is what passion fosters. Teachers do their best to instill passion in their students, knowing that, like “necessity is the mother of invention”, passion is the mother of initiative and accomplishment. One of the keys to happiness is to find and follow your passion. Clearly, Taiya has done this. You may have also read, in the recent Seedlings publication, about the accomplishments of another BFS graduate who followed her passion, Amy Dietterich. I remember her time at BFS fondly as well. We, at BFS, are so proud of these young women, and of all of our graduates who enrich our lives in so many ways.