300 current and former community members crowded into the gym on Friday Night and enjoyed every minute and mouthful of this year’s Lasagna Dinner. “The 6th Grade Royal Candy Court” transformed the gym into a Candy Castle, and everyone delighted in their costumes, infectious positive spirit, maturity, and superb service!

The evening was the culminating event after a week-long behind-the scenes cooking marathon conducted by the Sixth Grade parents, who deserve our collective gratitude for their inspired culinary talents and enthusiastic support of this important community-building tradition at BFS. Well done, one and all!! And, thank you to each and every attendee. The goodness of, and good feeling within, our current and extended community was evident and energizing.

I also send a heartfelt thank you to the scores of parents and students who donated their time and energy to Fall Frolic. On a sunny but frigid Saturday, the spirit of our connected and engaged community carried the day and contributed in countless ways!!

Truckloads of leaves were raked and carted away to become mulch, the yoga platform was re-built, a multitude of class gardens were readied for winter, many trails throughout our magical 44-acre campus were maintained, new trees were planted, and the Lower School sandboxes were filled with fresh sand. A warm breakfast awaited everyone at the start, and the day ended with a bounty of lunch offerings. Activity at the School Store was busy, and we hosted our second Open House! We are ready for the months and year ahead, thanks to all of you.

I want to express special thanks to organizers Andrew Garrett, Sara Webster, Robert Roop, Colleen Kulzer, to our many class parents (and the Fourth Grade for our food), and to each and every community member who arrived with smiles, caring hearts, and able skills.
One particular anecdote reminded me of how impressive and engaged BFS students are:

“This is one of those events where you get more than you give by connecting with the students and the other workers. A young man named Zach, I think he’s in Lower School, and his father helped Robert Roop and me plant 15 trees. At lunch we talked about coming up with tree identification stamps that could be made in Sydney Fox’s class, or ordered online, which the students could tack on to our trees.” Sara Webster (former parent, member of the Physical Plant Committee)
“What could be better than working outside with friends? Every frolic introduces new ones.” Robert Roop (former parent, School Board member, Clerk of the Physical Plant Committee)
” Thank you, Colleen and Kimberly and the rest of the 4th Grade class for leading us and feeding us on Saturday! We completed all of the jobs on the punch list (and a few more) and built community in the process. I was fortunate to meet and work with a number of new parents. What a beautiful day to work at the school. ” Andrew Garrett ’80 (current parent, School Board member, member of the Physical Plant Committee)
Once again, I am honored and inspired to be a part of this extraordinary community!