I invite everyone to attend Fall Frolic on Saturday, November 5 from 8AM to 2:00 PM. Catch up with old acquaintances and make new friends as we complete outdoor projects and ready our school grounds and class gardens for winter. (Did you know that you and your child(ren) already have a garden at BFS?) We will be raking mountains of leaves, tidying up the class gardens and perennial beds, preparing the raised planting beds for winter, and tending to our wooded areas.

BFS’s Fall and Spring Frolics are just two of the ways every community member is asked to purposely forge connections and friendships and to actively participate in contributing to the culture and life of our school. In doing so, we nurture all that we value about BFS, collectively care for our beloved 44-acre campus, and walk our talk:
Connected Community – We cultivate a joyful, involved, and inclusive community devoted to kindness, respect, and establishing trust and accountability. Together, we invest in the success and the well-being of each child, family, and one another.

Stewards of Our World – We engage community members in service work and teach the importance and responsibility of environmental sustainability. We believe it is essential to connect, collaborate, and make a positive impact on our world for present and future generations.

While the pandemic interrupted and interfered with how we build community – a core value at BFS that truly distinguishes us from other schools – it did not dent our resolve, and last year’s attendance at Frolic may have been an all-time record!
I am asking everyone to show up on November 5 – let’s break that record again! I continue to believe, even more so during these times, that it’s HOW we show up as and for our community, for our children, for our world, and for one another that will benefit and influence our children and the very soul of our school for years to come.

Start the day at the welcome table, where community members will greet you and guide you and your family to your class garden(s) and the other areas that attract your service. Breakfast offerings, a satisfying lunch, and beverages (yes, coffee too!) will be provided. So… mark your calendars now, and go find your work gloves, rakes (of all sizes), and garden tools. Wear layers, and, whether you can stop by for an hour or stay all day, I look forward to seeing you there.