Award-Winning Children’s Nonfiction Books

In a recent issue of Language Arts, Mary Ann Cappiello and six colleagues shared the winners of the annual Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction: Grand Canyon by Jason Chin (Roaring Brook, 2017) – A fully illustrated exploration of the Grand Canyon from the rim to the deepest depths. Chef Roy Choi and the Street […]

7 Tips for Raising Caring Kids

Work to develop caring, loving relationships with your kids. Be a strong moral role model and mentor. Make caring for others a priority and set high ethical expectations. Provide opportunities for children to practice caring and gratitude. Expand your child’s circle of concern. Promote children’s ability to be ethical thinkers and positive change-makers in their […]

Mind, Body, and Self-Esteem!

The mood in the Sydney Fox’s woodshop is always purposeful and productive as students in First Grade through Eighth Grade industriously invest in designing, constructing, and completing a range of projects from toolboxes to clocks to tables to doghouses, and more. Few classes develop every learner’s mind, body, and self-esteem quite like woodshop. The principal […]

Trustee reflections after Board Visiting Day

Yesterday, many of our Buckingham Friends School Trustees attended “Board Visiting Day.”  This was an opportunity for them to tour the entire campus, to visit classes in action, and to witness first-hand the outstanding education that is provided each day here at BFS.  They were able to speak directly with the faculty me, and to engage […]

Planting Seeds of Empathy

(The following summary of a recent article in Educational Leadership, originally titled “Nine Competencies for Teaching Empathy,” was written by Kim Marshall and shared in this week’s edition of The Marshall Memo.  I share it as it reminds me of the mission, the intentions and commitment of our faculty, and the relevance of a Friends […]

Parent-Teacher Conferences: The Essential Conversation

I have had the distinct honor of meeting, and attending lectures and retreat workshops presented by, Dr. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot a few times over the years. Dr. Lawrence-Lightfoot is the Emily Hargroves Fisher* Professor of Education at Harvard University.  She is a sociologist who examines the culture of schools, the broad ecology of education, and the […]