Buckingham Friends School benefits from the many talents and contributions of an exemplary staff of over twenty-five teachers. As a Friends school, accredited by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools, these dedicated educators meet vigorous standards and provide an overall program distinguished by its unmatched breadth and depth, the manner in which students are engaged, the spirit of our vibrant community, and a mission and core values that are more relevant than ever.

Each teacher shares their core beliefs, teaching practices, and ideas about pedagogy as an extension of our mission, values, and philosophy. These extend to classrooms, performances, playing fields, art programs, and all other settings where teachers work and interact with students each and every day.

Our teachers support the mission and core values of BFS and:
- invest in the inner Light and promise of each student.
- appreciate that teachable moments occur each day and are a part of the fabric of the BFS experience.
- take the initiative to know their students well and develop healthy, long-term connections with students through class meetings and advisory groups, and in providing a positive adult presence in their students’ lives.
- “inspire curiosity, creativity, critical and analytical thinking, communication skills, and collaboration.”
- “recognize that the development of an authentic, confident self provides the foundation for realizing personal fulfillment and success as a learner.”
- understand, embrace, and enjoy their time working with students in and out of the classroom.

Our teachers are positive role models and:
- are fair and consistent.
- demonstrate leadership by example through their conduct and demeanor during and after school.
- enjoy their work, are fun to be with, and have a sense of humor.
- support their colleagues and the goals of the school.
- demonstrate and “encourage self-awareness, mindfulness, confidence, empathy, and compassion.”
- let their “lives speak!”

Our teachers create a sense of community in their classrooms and:
- value each student as a unique individual, challenging each one to be their very best.
- create and nurture a classroom climate that is inclusive and accepting, where all voices are heard and valued.
- engage students actively in the learning process with a focus on the student.
- communicate effectively with parents, students, and fellow professionals.
- “awaken a strong local and global consciousness, a commitment to peace, and an ability to understand and contribute meaningfully and substantively to our diverse, changing world.”

Our teachers are experts:
- in their disciplines.
- on teaching and pedagogy.
- about the students in their classrooms.
- who invest in their ongoing development as professional educators.
- and “strive to meet high standards, to remain agile and innovative, and respect individual approaches to thinking and learning.”

Our teachers design their courses well:
- their lessons are carefully planned and effectively delivered.
- they regularly reflect on, discuss, and evaluate their teaching practices and materials.
- they provide meaningful assignments and assessments in partnership with colleagues.
- they create dynamic, authentic, and purposeful experiences that focus on the needs of their students.
We are blessed to be able to send our children to BFS where they are able to learn so much from these wonderful teachers every day. The skills they learn will be carried through the lifetime, both academically and personally, to help form a remarkable individual.
I agree! We are blessed to have access to incredible teachers. I’m grateful for the care and guidance they provide every day.