What contributes immeasurably to the positive spirit of community on campus and makes BFS such a special Friends school?

What contributes immeasurably to the positive spirit of community on campus and makes Buckingham Friends School such a special Friends school?  An intentional commitment to the quality of teacher-student relationships and respect for teacher autonomy. Our Quaker foundation, distinct mission, clear core values, comprehensive program, and commitment to quality attracts, engages, and retains deeply dedicated […]

Visioning Day 2019 Exceeds Expectations

170 community members representing 9 * stakeholder groups worked in 15 committees to articulate 15 vision statements and over 180 strategies.  They then came together to build consensus and to provide the significant and much-needed input to support student success, the School’s mission and vitality, and the achievement of our dreams and future goals. (* […]

The Heart of BFS is Us

I am grateful for the spirit of the Buckingham Friends School community and for all that we have shared and accomplished together this year.  Thank you for sharing your children and your dreams for them with us.  As the members of our vibrant community reflect on and/or prepare to recognize the many traditions that define […]

The 7 C’s of Resilience

Philadelphia pediatrician and author Kenneth Ginsburg asserts that “young people live up or down to expectations we set for them. They need adults who believe in them unconditionally and hold them to the high expectations of being compassionate, generous, and creative.” Dr. Ginsburg has identified “Seven C’s of Resilience” as a road map for helping […]

The Master Plan

What do George School, Solebury School, Pennington, Blair Academy, Abington Friends, Berkeley Carroll, Grace Church, Lawrenceville Academy, German Academy, and many other leading secondary schools all have in common? They all want students from Buckingham Friends School to enroll and contribute to the quality of their educational environment and community next year. It is clear […]