… although leaving BFS has always been a part of the plan… Graduation 2019

The rains subsided, the class photo was taken, and we gathered as a community in the Buckingham Monthly Meeting’s Meetinghouse – at the conclusion of Buckingham Friends School’s 224th year – to celebrate and recognize the graduating Eighth Grade class of 2019. Beautiful preludes and songs punctuated the overall spirit and meaning of the event, […]

Stereotype Threat

A few years ago, I attended a conference at which Dr. Claude Steele presented an inspiring, informative, and thought-provoking keynote talk, “Stereotype Threat:  How it affects us and what we can do about it.” Dr. Steele is an internationally renowned social scientist and university executive, and his theory of stereotype threat has been the focus […]

Remembering Pete Seeger

Today is Peter Seeger’s birthday, and he would have turned 100.  Pete Seeger is one of my heroes, and it is with sadness that I recall that he passed away six years ago at the age of 94.  An inspiring folk singer and daring activist with a deep love and concern for our world, he […]