Our Values at BFS – Rooted in the beliefs and traditions of Quakers, our values as a Friends school guide us to engage members of the school community in the shared responsibility of honoring the Light within each person and fostering the growth, individual talents, and passions of every student. A core value – Connected […]
Celebrating All That Our Teachers do at BFS
Buckingham Friends School benefits from the many talents and contributions of an exemplary staff of over twenty-five teachers. As a Friends school, accredited by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools, these dedicated educators meet vigorous standards and provide an overall program distinguished by its unmatched breadth and depth, the manner in which students are engaged, […]
A Thanksgiving Sharing
Three years ago and just before Thanksgiving, someone I had admired for many years, Gwen Ifil, passed away. “Gwen Ifil was an American journalist, television newscaster, and author. She was the moderator and managing editor of Washington Week and co-anchor and co-managing editor, with Judy Woodruff, of PBS NewsHour, both of which air on PBS. Ifill was a political analyst and […]
Witnessing How Each Student’s Voice is Nurtured, Supported, and Given Space to Grow
Now in our 225th year as a Friends school, Buckingham Friends School’s mission “honors the Light within each person, inspires scholarship and spiritual community, and instills the value of caring for others and our world.” Rooted in the beliefs and traditions of Quakers, our values as a Friends school guide us to engage members of the […]
Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids – and start raising kind ones
By Adam Grant As anyone who has been called out for hypocrisy by a small child knows, kids are exquisitely attuned to gaps between what grown-ups say and what grown-ups do. If you survey American parents about what they want for their kids, more than 90 percent say one of their top priorities is that their […]
The BFS Community at its Best! – The Lasagna Dinner and our Annual Fall Frolic were Amazing Successes!
300 current and former community members crowded into the gym on Friday Night and enjoyed every minute and mouthful of this year’s Lasagna Dinner. “The 6th Grade Royal Candy Court” transformed the gym into a Candy Castle, and everyone delighted in their costumes, infectious positive spirit, maturity, and superb service! The evening was the culminating […]
Reflections from the BFS School Board
Yesterday, most of our Buckingham School Board members attended “Board Visiting Day.” This was an opportunity for trustees to tour the entire campus, to get the big picture, to visit classes in action, to witness first-hand the outstanding education that is provided each day, and to think about their role in shaping the future of our […]
Why Intentionally Building Empathy Is More Important Now Than Ever (+ a Terrific TEDx Talk)
By Katrina Schwartz – Many people believe that life is a zero-sum game and that the most ruthless people get the furthest. But Jamil Zaki, a Stanford psychologist and author of The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World, says there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary. “It turns out that nice guys […]
The Key To Raising Brilliant Kids? Play A Game
Click here for this brief, thought-provoking npr interview.
Washington Think Tank Expert and BFS Graduate, Taiya Smith ’87, to Speak on Climate Change & Carbon Dividends – and BFS Proudly Announces Receiving its Second Energy Star Rating
Friends in Fellowship: What will it take to get the US to act on Climate Change? Thursday, October 24, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm, at the Arch Street Meetinghouse, 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia (this event is free) Sign up for next week’s (free) PYM Friends in Fellowship talk featuring Solebury Meeting member, George School and Buckingham Friends School alumnae, […]