Buckingham Friends School benefits from the many talents and contributions of an exemplary staff of educators. As a Friends school, accredited by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools, we meet vigorous standards and provide an overall program distinguished by its unmatched breadth and depth, the manner in which students are engaged, and a mission and […]
Meeting for Worship – a time when BFS students (and other community members) share their Inner Light, voices, and truths when moved to speak
Each week, the Buckingham Friends School community gathers in the Meetinghouse for Meeting for Worship. Attending Meeting for Worship is the central experience at a Friends school. It is where each individual can learn to listen, reflect, and ultimately share their unique voice as a contributing community member – and it’s where a culture of […]
BFS Construction Update – December 2022
December 15, 2022 If you have not seen my recent community letter, I am delighted to share the great news that, last night, the Buckingham Board of Supervisors unanimously approved and signed off on the four documents that will allow us to officially commence construction work. It’s important to note that the delay was not […]
Know Your Child
Hardly a week has gone by during the past 18 years when I haven’t mentioned one of the titles from the series of child development books published by the Gesell Institute for Human Development. “This series of child development books, by Louise Bates Ames and Frances Ilg or Ames and Carol Haber, addresses each of […]
Come One, Come All! Fall Frolic is next Saturday, November 5th!
I invite everyone to attend Fall Frolic on Saturday, November 5 from 8AM to 2:00 PM. Catch up with old acquaintances and make new friends as we complete outdoor projects and ready our school grounds and class gardens for winter. (Did you know that you and your child(ren) already have a garden at BFS?) We […]
Reflections after Board Visit Day 2022
Last week, many of our Buckingham Friends School Trustees attended “Board Visiting Day.” This was an opportunity for them to tour the entire campus, to visit classes in action, and to witness first-hand the outstanding education that is provided each day here at BFS. They were able to directly speak with me and to engage with […]
BFS’s Signature JEM (Joint Environmental Program) is alive and well – Plans for the year ahead
In keeping with our mission and values as a Friends school community, we prepare our students to be successful in today’s global environment, equipping them with 21st-century skills and providing them with opportunities to develop crucial cultural competencies. In particular, our Joint Environmental Mission (JEM) program offers students the opportunity to spend time with peers […]
Groundbreaking Ceremony 2022 – “Good stewardship means taking care of what has been given, not just for ourselves, but for the people around us and future generations as well”
On Friday, September 30, 2022, we gathered as a community – students, faculty, staff, families, trustees, members of Buckingham Friends Meeting, former students and parents, and neighbors and elected officials – to break ground and set the stage for a series of thoughtful, transformative changes to our campus that will allow us to continue to […]
“How Time Away From Parents Can Help a Child Grow”
I cannot recall how many times I have referenced and/or recommended Dr. Michael Thompson’s book, Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow since it was published in 2012. While a majority of the book focuses on the value of summer camp experiences, chapter one presents a series of things that Dr. […]
What parents should say to teachers (according to teachers)
Teaching may be the most “human” of professions, with schools being rich with and enriched by many levels of relationships between children and teachers, teachers and parents, parents and one another, and more. At BFS, “community” is a core value, where we strive to “cultivate a joyful, involved, and inclusive community devoted to kindness, respect, […]